Monday, July 12, 2010

Our new piso

This is looking through the living room onto the patio. The door on the left goes to our bedroom. This is our second bathroom. We use this shower. The other one is still plugged up. I like this one the best for showering anyway.
Our second bedroom. It also has 2 desks in it. A little table with no chairs. This room has larger closets than the main one. Delwyn uses this closet. The windows when opened, really has a nice breeze that goes through. The Living room has a big door and we open that for the breeze. So the breeze goes straight through the piso.
This is a pretty good picture of our balcony. I like to sit out there and read or just relax. You can see my cloth hanger on the bottom right. Our balcony over looks a soccer court and a park. Plus, the Chapel is down below us to the left, so we are really close to the Church.
Our bedroom looking into the bathroom. There are closets in between the bedroom and bathroom. Most of the closets are cupboards. My closet is about 2 1/2 feet wide. But that is about 3 times as big as mine in Las Arenas. The door on the left goes to the living room.
Delwyn sitting in our living room. The kitchen is to the end on the right. Therefore, the table is clear across the living room from the kitchen. We plan on moving the sofas around to where the table is and put the table where the sofas are. Still not real close to the kitchen, but better.
My long and narrow kitchen. Notice there are no cupboards above the counter here. The white tile is really hard to keep clean. You can see a big box on the counter on the right. That is my new oven when they get it installed. But we are getting closer. I don't have any more cupboards than I had in Las Arenas.
The laundry room is at the end of the kitchen, with another big window to open for a breeze. It is a new washing machine.


heidi said...

wow, looks like there is a lot more room, i'm sure it's more comfortable, weird that there aren't more cabinets in the kitchen.

Monika said...

Very luxurious!! ;) It does look quite a bit bigger than your old piso. Hope you can make it "home" for the next several months!

Danette said...

Your piso looks so beautiful, modern and open!! That seems like quite the step up from Bilbao! Love it! I just wish we could see it in person - thank heaven for the blog! Love ya!