bottom: Elder Raban, Elder Parry, and Elder Southwick.
The missionaries were in the office last week while I was trying to clean for our Authorities. While they were there, they gave each other these back rubs. They do it in a chain. I thought it would be fun to take their pictures. However, I only got this of Hermana Johns. The other Hermanas are behind her.
The Elders in their chain, Elder Parry sitting, Elder Lara, Elder Atkin, Elder Auerkamp, Elder Ames and Elder Pynes. They always seem to be enjoying themselves no mater what they are doing.
Elder Cairns was going home, so this is how he gave me a hug. He is from Scottland. He speaks English very well, but with a huge accent. We love him, he was in the Bilbao Mission with us. It is always a little special for us when the old Bilbao Missionaries come into the office.
The night before the Missionaries go home and the New Missionaries go into the field, they go down to the Rambla and sing. While they sing, many people stop and listen and take pictures. The Missionaries go out in the crowd and contact them. It is really fun to be a part of that.
The missionaries you see are some that were going home the next day. In the middle is President Hinckley. He has a beautiful voice. Elder Cepeda, second from the right, was also one of our Bilbao Missionaries. He was from here in Spain.
This is a better picture. Right to left: Elder Johnson, Elder Cepeda, Elder Morales, President, Elder Lindsey, and Hermana Camarero. Elders Cepeda, Morales and Hermana Camarero were all from Spain. Elder Morales left a transfer early because he had to go to Medical School.
He was an Assistant when we got here. He is a brilliant man. He learned English during his mission and he was really good. Now he has to learn Catalan because the school he is going to only teaches in Catalan. The schools here in Barcelona all speak Catalan.
He was an Assistant when we got here. He is a brilliant man. He learned English during his mission and he was really good. Now he has to learn Catalan because the school he is going to only teaches in Catalan. The schools here in Barcelona all speak Catalan.